Friday, June 29, 2012

Strange week and Lost in the Yoko Ono labyrinth

Brief update from the last few days.

  1. Disability Assessment  for uni completed.
  2. Steak man is drying nicely and I have arranged that he is biscuit fired in the next few days.
  3. My son has been to visit me, so art work, has been limited.. today i have obtained more clay and will work on another piece today.
I found this article interesting, as I have gotten older, I find Yoko work more and more appealing 

Lost in the Yoko Ono labyrinth

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Feel a little lost

Its been a week since my projected ended. the exhibition has been very popular and i am receiving positive reviews about my piece. but god I feel lost now...

Twelve steps in to your backyard
through tall green grass, and into the world
Aint it feel right
Aint it feel nice
in your own backyard
in your own backyard
Through dirty winding road, around your feet
that carries me along
and into the beat
Didn't need to go so far
You found what you were looking for
I didn't need to go so far
to find what you were looking for
because you were always right
just right behind
you just didn't know
You just didn't care
it was there,
in your own backyard
Twelve steps in to your backyard
Just twelve steps in to your backyard
Twelve steps in to your backyard
Twelve steps in to your backyard
Twelve steps in to your backyard
Twelve steps in to your backyard

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Stigma and Bipolar Disorder | bphope

 I’ve always thought that stigma toward people with mental illness comes from ignorance. And when I’m confronted with someone who simply doesn’t know much about mental health, I can explain myself, my story, and my viewpoints and stay pretty relaxed through the conversation. After all, there’s plenty of stuff I’m ignorant about, and I generally like to give people the benefit of the doubt concerning what they may or may not know about bipolar disorder.

  full article
Stigma and Bipolar Disorder | bphope

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

this would have been cool at the begin of my fmp

Cube Creator is a free to use website that helps you create cubes with whatever you want on them. The site provides you with four basic cube options: a bio cube for biographies, a mystery cube for jotting down points for your stories or articles, a story cube for mapping your story elements, and a custom cube on which you can put down anything you want.