Sunday, April 22, 2012


OK I have mentioned a few times,  when my mood is raised, my hearing becomes, not superman like, but it becomes sensitive , and the ability to single out different noises becomes difficult, which in my current state can and does become a sore point for me, It does cause arguments in the home,  I mean. who has 2 TV's in different rooms playing, a washing machine spinning, and running a in depth commentary of yahoo news. Normally, i can switch noises off, listen the conversation in front of me no problem,, however I do have these unpleasant highs were I can't.

Another embarrassing noise issue, is Audio Hallucination,I hear things that aren't there, Like when you think someone called your name, but nobodies there, or worse you hear the person you talking to say something completely different.. eg that's nice Paul. Paul who the fuck is Paul? AAAHHHHH, I'll be honest, Audio Hallucinations don't in my book happen a lot. when they do though, it normally means, i am  on extra lock down and meds  are increased to calm me down,

This is my point with this FMP, These are a small example of the symptoms which happen all the time, I have never fully got the triggers fully worked out , but its currently an ongoing task to establish then all  These symptoms  are not due to the FMP, this is me, the fragile balancing act of being a normal part of society!

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