Saturday, April 21, 2012

belongings, meanings and transient angrer of mania

Its Saturday, the day of false promise and fragile hopes....

 A brief update on yesterday, managed to do 3 more fragile egg shells around my silhouette, because the balloons I use are so big its a two man job to pour the plaster, this is slowing me down.... 

Other events: a group of teens keep steeling my belongings from my garden, because I confronted them, its turned into, a game for them, by them trying to intimidate me at every opportunity.. This makes my blood boil. My physiologist, stated he thought I was high, because I have been very confrontational this week.. He has a point, I do at times have shit highs, but they are the worse, they are not pleasant, I am angry 24/7 and get so annoyed, at people who appear to be useless at their job etc.... I do not get all loving, happy. I become an angry old man..  

Anyway because of the above we have been placed on a transfer list to be re housed. yeah move me not the problem,, You see Housing law I know about and the fact England is backwards compared to the rest of the UK makes me doubly angry, why deal with crisis when preventive measure eliminates most problems before hand. .

This will be my 20th move in 20yrs, I realise this yesterday mailing a friend, looking back this transient lifestyle has been down to my illness,  To be frank, it it was not for this course, i would have left this area by now and headed north...

I was curious to see what other Artist that use balloons and plaster,, Wow where do I begin, there are thousands, If I am honest its put me off my eggs, but I do realise very few art pieces are 100% original, and have influences..

One local artist stuck out, This was not because of her art, but it reminded me of a debate, with Howard my Tutor/ Karl the tech and two other students. The debates was about conceptual art, and what the term art means, Karl summed it by say Art should raise questions, I was debating about the fact some artist thrive on shock value, which I felt did always raise question as such, but are the valid questions..

Anyway this Artist is Jennifer McDonald , she does Installation, Performance and Sound, one of here pieces uses menstrual blood.

Blood Fruit

11/10/2010 Here are images of the latest fruits I have cast in menstruation blood and latex. As I spoke about in an earlier post I am planning to arrange the objects into a vanitas style still life sculpture. I am also trying out various compositions of fruits with wasps and other insects.

If I use the theory that art should raise questions, i have two. 1? WTF, 2/ how the hell was the blood collected... but saying that this piece does have a lovely form.  this is not the piece I was looking regarding balloons though,,,  this is the link, again I like it, its raw.

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