Sunday, April 1, 2012


Ok, lazy Sunday afternoon, playing around with clay, I asked myself, my earliest memories of fragile?  and I figured Humpty Dumpty.... unlikely I will use this in my FMP, but I still feel I should mention the little fella.

It might have been written a hundred times, easily, on that enormous face. Humpty Dumpty was sitting, with his legs crossed like a Turk, on the top of a high wall — such a narrow one that Alice quite wondered how he could keep his balance — and, as his eyes were steadily fixed in the opposite direction, and he didn't take the least notice of her, she thought he must be a stuffed figure, after all.
'And how exactly like an egg he is!' she said aloud, standing with her hands ready to catch him, for she was every moment expecting him to fall.
'It's very provoking,' Humpty Dumpty said after a long silence, looking away from Alice as he spoke, 'to be called an egg — very!'

 Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll

Extra day later thought...  it is a thought only,,, how would people see Humpty, if I was to biscuit fire him, glacé in detail ( not just a dip, but detailed) them break him, smash him, drop him on the floor, To me it would prove the fragile nature of clay, as well as representing the continuing story of Humpty Dumpty, part of me would also like to have him sitting on a wall with Alice looking at him, but part of me thinks that that would make him to literal.  the breaking idea i like, because it then develops a language and raises question. The Alice idea I like because and simply because i know it would sell.

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