Monday, April 23, 2012

hurdles,pitfalls and the power of Li

Small set back for me to day,,, Ran out of balloons and card.. Borrowed some money and finally found a shop that sold large balloons( dam not cheap, esp for a guy on a very limited budget).. Then the card, made a few calls to see if i could source some... we will see if anything comes back, if not, I may have to look at different materials  like perspex or even MDF... although I'd like to keep it card, as a lot of my things I have done have used card.. 

I was feeling down about the above, plus my issue with noise and people talking, which has been bothering me a bit today... Anyway tomorrows a new day and a new challenge.

I am considering putting  Li, in a conner of each boxes that contain the paster balloon/egg, which represent my head, the box, that represents Lithium, which keeps it in control in places, but other places appear to strain and bulge.

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