Saturday, March 24, 2012


OK remember my profile face sculpture?

Well I have been thinking more and more about the box idea I mention the other day

I also looked a casting boxes( i felt it was not original, i am thinking Rachel Whiteread)
Well I wondered what would it look like cast in plaster, then Karl mentioned the box idea again.. and it clicked, casting the profile heads in the same fashion as the boxes, they should come out broken and fragile... wooo interesting a could be exciting

So my task is to experiment with that idea next week,,,

Other events.....

Howard introduced me to the tec guy in the visual dept... I have arranged a few session with him to look at producing a fast flowing manic video, plus a session filming glass breaking in slow motion.

I also had my final life drawing session. :0( I am quite saddened with that I enjoy it so much and felt it was a valuable session towards my sculptures and help me developed in a more figurative manner 

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