Sunday, March 25, 2012

I am major manicy today.... woooooooooo

thought I'd share this with the world... only slept a bit last night and i have that lovely giddy speedy feeling... meds adjusted to try and bring me down(oh why oh why spoil the fun)

ART ART ART ART..... mmmmm been trying to focus but difficult to stay on the same subjects,, I have however collected heaps of imagines for my video...... so far around 500 imagies, i hope to put the together that the viewer only see them for a milliseconds, to give a small fragment of what racing thoughts are like..

Laurie Anderson O Superman..... 1/ I feel like superman, on top of the world.
                                                       2/ Laurie Anderson, made people take note with this tune. and  i have so much respect for her as an experimental performance artist, composer and musician

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