OK, I'll give you the brief outline of the day... Went to the Tate in Liverpool, personally I enjoyed a good number of pieces, which I sketched the details into my sketch book.. the ones I liked focused fragility which is a running theme.
Reflective... I have no idea what's happening with my moods today, I believe I am rapid cycling.. for example, one minute I am major depressed, the next minute high as a kite.. Today I persuaded my group to eat at the olive garden, knowing full and well I had very little funds for the next few weeks.. (trigger warning sorry)Now the brutal honesty of my illness, You know your not quite keeping in balance when your partner has to smashes the bathroom door down, to remove a knife from your hand.I was so suicidal, at that moment, I hated life, the pressure of doing my FMP, taking my dog out, arranging her a vet visit, calling the kids, my nan, calling in to super drugs for tampons for my partner, taking the rubbish out.. you know everyday task took there toil on me today and I could not handle any more at that moment in time... i guess that is the reality of my illness, the extremes in my moods..
I am grand now.. back to level ground for the time being...But its the above that also drives me forward
Seems fitting then that i highlight the above piece by Deidre DeFranceaux
which is one of many pieces titled Rapid cycle
Like any great artist, Deidre has used her mishaps and sorrows to inspire her artwork. And like her dynamic, unstoppable, successful creations, she is only deflated for a short time, before blooming, growing, reaching up and expanding again into her true potential. Art is life. And life is survival. And Deidre is a survivor, strong and beautiful and as thought-provoking as her art.— Amacker Bullwinkle, May 17, 2006
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