Thursday, September 8, 2011

Welcome.... How I got here..

Hi, Grab a coffee and Take a seat..

So why I am doing this Blog? Because I have been asked to for my Foundation Degree in Art.

How did I get to this point in my life where I am interested in Art, seeing that I am now 38yrs old? OK, that's a good question! I have always had an interest in the Arts. But up until just over a yr ago, I was more of an onlooker/admirer. In 2001 I relocated to Edinburgh and stayed there till 2009. Edinburgh was great for art and I enjoyed the whole art culture that surrounded the city in my spare time. 

Then in 2009 I moved to the US for a few months - which was a bit of a nightmare.  I returned to the UK and settled in Stockport.  Unfortunately I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar on my return.

So, with life feeling a little bleak, I decided to take up photography to express myself. This lead me to attending Arc( Arts for Recovery). (if you get time, visit some of their exhibition, there is some great piece's of art from some great talented people) Anyway during my time there, i was able to explore lots of new artistic directions. As the year went on, I collated a portfolio and applied to do this course. So here I am.

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