Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fine Art

Laptop still out of action and unlikely to return. dam dog and dam the glass of coke. Insurance company seem to want to pull the dam thing apart and fix it.. Its a £900 multi media laptop. from my amateur pc repair skills, i found the motherboard to be fried, the built in mouse and graphic cards are also goosed.  

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 The other bad thing about the insurance company is, if they need to replace it( which is what i think they will need to do) they do not return your hard drive. I regularly back any of my work up on an external hard drive, but still there is a few things on there that have not been backed up..

So last week I was doing fine Art. I love fine art, as an observer, but as an artist i find it difficult to draw how i see things. I love art and the whole history and the idea's which evolved around a piece. So for a large part I enjoyed the subject. Would i pick it as my main subject? I would have to say unlikely but would not rule it out at this stage.

The subject we are doing this week is 3d art. Seriously this was going to be my subject. I love pottery, molding and sharping clay into a design. but from distant viewing of the other group, clay does not come into play this week, nor does building sculptures etc,  I also noticed a heap of drawings.  Whether this is going to be the subject for me is to be seen. although deep down I am so wanting to better myself with clay. 

The other two subjects are textiles and Viscom. Textiles, looked pretty interesting from a distant, but it not the way i intend to go. Viscom, Love photography seriously I do, 

 I take photo's daily, I am also pretty good at photoshop etc. illustrator however i find difficult and at times fiddly, but then again i was using a Mac. Mac's are the main platform which the course uses. I find them so so annoying, they try too hard to be so different, which alienates new users and lets be honest the whole apple fan base can be a little creepy at times, but I guess you get use to them with time.

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